Terry Trexler

Living in Virginia Beach

Virginia Beach, VA Community

Stay informed and stay ahead of developments in the world, with Mosquito Joe's president Lou Schager working to reduce the collateral damage from spraying on windy days. This attention to preserving beneficial bugs is helping to protect pollinator bees and butterflies threatened with extinction, according to Biological Conservation. With our free breaking news email updates, you will never miss important stories and stay one step ahead of everyone else!

Lou Schager, president of Mosquito Joe, a company based in Virginia Beach, Virginia, has been working to reduce the collateral damage from spraying on windy days. This is especially important for pollinator bees and butterflies that are threatened with extinction according to Biological Conservation. Schager noted that it's not good to have indiscriminate killing that messes up the whole ecosystem, and that people should appreciate all kinds of beneficial bugs - even if they don't love them.

David Price, the company's director of technical services, proudly noted that although pollinators are incredibly important, it is equally essential to eliminate mosquitoes that carry diseases. In 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported an alarming increase in illnesses spread by mosquitoes and other blood feeders. However, Lou Schager, president of Mosquito Joe, a company based in Virginia Beach, Virginia, has been working hard to reduce the collateral damage caused by spraying on windy days, with special attention to endangered pollinator bees and butterflies. Schager believes that people should appreciate all kinds of beneficial bugs - even if they might not like them - as it is crucial to maintain a healthy and balanced ecosystem.

[caption id="attachment_3959" align="alignnone" width="1024"] A truck from the Navy Disease Vector Control office sprays an area for mosquitoes.[/caption]

Michigan's mosquito season has significantly increased in both duration and prevalence, according to Edward Walker of Michigan State University. This has led to a dramatic rise in revenue for pest control companies as they offer more services to combat mosquitoes, and many new companies are focusing solely on this issue. In 2021, the survey concluded that 70% of pest control companies offered the service, up from 38% in 2014 and it generated nearly one-fifth of company revenue.

The American Mosquito Control Association, a 1,200-member nonprofit group, reports that the 2015 Zika outbreak that spread to more than 80 countries was largely responsible for the surge in business. Many companies now use a “residual barrier” strategy, spraying pesticide around the perimeter of a property that typically lasts several weeks. This method has been proven to be effective in eliminating mosquitoes and reducing the risk of diseases such as Zika.

Pyrethrins and pyrethroids, bug-killing substances produced by chrysanthemum flowers or synthetically imitated, have been approved by the United States government for safe use when used as directed. While they can be deadly to fish and bees, EPA is taking further measures to evaluate their effects on birds and other pollinators.

Homeowners have been empowered to use this safe, effective method of mosquito control in conjunction with other preventive measures, such as eliminating stagnant water sources and running electric fans. This powerful combination has proven successful in controlling mosquito populations without the need for recurring services.

Mosquito Joe's clients have also been known to take advantage of the optional spray of water mixed with essential oils which are less harmful to other insects, and 10% of them choose this option over the pyrethroids. This choice demonstrates the company's commitment to providing options that are both safe and effective.

At just $90 per treatment, their pyrethroids provide excellent value for money, and the associated oils cost approximately 20% more. John Marino commented, “We have to be mindful when it comes to our dogs, as they may be attracted to wood chips treated with synthetic insecticides.”

After years of fighting against the collateral damage of spraying in windy days, thankfully progress is being made with the help of President Lou Schager. Drawing attention to the devastating damage that can happen to pollinator bees, along with other beneficial bugs, has helped initiate a change towards making the ecosystem healthier and safer for not only those living nearby but all creatures attempting to have a sustainable lifestyle. As a result, without any awareness from the general public, Schager is leading a revolutionary shift towards sustaining environmental as well as global harmony as an entire planet community.

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