Terry Trexler

Living in Virginia Beach

Virginia Beach, VA Community

The Hampton Roads Alliance has taken initiative to increase intelligence capabilities in order to better promote regional economic development, having connected with Port & Starboard to facilitate collective data-sharing and streamlined processes to aid businesses wishing to relocate or expand in the Hampton meet. Douglas Smith, President and CEO of the Richmond Alliance praises the partnership as a means to increase business growth throughout the region. Several locals like Isle of Wight, Suffolk, and Franklin Southampton are already making use of the collaboration to support local businesses in their endeavours.

The Hampton Roads Alliance is proud to announce that they have increased their intelligence capabilities to help economic development professionals better share data, with the aim of attracting jobs and emerging industries to the region. This was achieved by teaming up with Port & Starboard, a boutique technology consulting company based in Virginia Beach since 2016. The unique digital platform developed by Port & Starboard has been licensed to a key alliance partner, the Hampton Roads Workforce Council, and an increasing number of local economic development stakeholders, enabling localities to share information about business opportunities, track business retention and expansion projects, and work together to bring business growth to Hampton Roads.

Hampton Roads Alliance President and CEO Doug Smith praised the partnership as a powerful tool to attract and retain businesses in the region. He highlighted how by leveraging the strengths of each locality and the business community, the necessary support and resources can be cohesively provided to businesses looking to locate or expand in Hampton Roads.

County and cities such as Isle of Wight, Suffolk and Franklin Southampton are already part of the collaboration and are working together to deliver a streamlined and efficient process for businesses.

Unified and Coordinated Approach to Economic Development

The Hampton Roads Regional Alliance is proud to announce their success in fostering organic communication between organizations, allowing them to spend less time on data entry and focus on economic development initiatives and projects. This collaboration has manifested in a unified and coordinated approach to economic development that makes it easier for businesses to locate and grow in Hampton Roads. These efforts are already bearing fruit, and the region is projected to lead the state in the number of projects announced in 2023.

These projects include enhancements to the region’s workforce development programs, investments in real estate and site development, and a diversified energy portfolio that will increase the area’s resilience.

The Hampton Roads Alliance and its partner organizations are poised to attract more businesses through making their intelligence capabilities smarter, streamlining the process for existing businesses and keeping track of investments within the region. Together they have created a comprehensive way of sharing information and resources while being better equipping economic development professionals with the necessary tools to bring growth and positive change to localities. In this way, businesses throughout Hampton Roads have an increased chance of success when investing in the area and encouraging further development down the line.

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